Quick Lungern on rainy Sunday

I came back to Zurich from Chamonix on Saturday afternoon. Cough up with Iwona, Piotrek and Meret. Made laundry (thanks Meret !) and generally chilled. On Sunday we wanted to go climbing but the weather was 50:50… or more like 20:80 where rain was winning. 

Lungern is this crag on the way to Meiringen (well to be fair it’s a town, but it is also a name of the crag next too it ;-)) that has some roofs on top of it and stays dry even when it rains. I’ve heard about it for a long time already but never managed to get there. What a mistake !

The climbing is really nice ! I managed to pull off supposedly a 7b (I think it was a legit 7a) in a second go. Which made me happy, but than I was defeated by a 6b. LoL, life 😀

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